Samuel Munroe
About Me
I am currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Memphis, scheduled to defend my dissertation in the Spring of 2025. I specialize in Social/Political philosophy and 19th and 20th Century European philosophy, with a focus on Hegel, German Idealism, Foucault, and Heidegger. I also have research interests in Afro-Caribbean philosophy, especially in the work of Sylvia Wynter. You can read more about what I'm up to in my research here. I have pretty broad teaching interests, and you can read about some of the courses I've taught, some that I'm hoping to teach soon, and a little about my general approach to teaching here. For those who would prefer to get straight to the CV, you can find it here or on the CV page above.
Image on the right is of a painting by an old family friend who, unfortunately, I was born too late to meet. "Small Painting" Roman Chatov.​​​
Feel free to get in touch at spmunroe[at symbol]memphis[dot]edu